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Significant step forward for “Our New Deal for a Greater Lancashire”

Plans to secure a devolution deal for Lancashire have taken a significant step forward after councillors at Lancaster City Council endorsed the proposals.

Our New Deal for a Greater Lancashire sets out the areas where Lancashire's council leaders collectively believe greater devolution of powers over funding and decision-making could make the biggest difference. The themes identified are around the economy, transport, jobs, skills and the environment.

At a meeting on Wednesday (January 26) Lancaster city councillors scrutinised the plans before giving them their backing.

Councillor Caroline Jackson, leader of Lancaster City Council, said: "This outline of a new deal for Lancashire represents a fantastic effort to work collegiately to overcome former differences and grasp the opportunity to improve life across the county.

“This is just the start of the negotiations with government which will involve us all in shaping the future and as a district Lancaster will continue to help to shape the deal. Our priority is to ensure it includes effective and ongoing engagement between this new entity and our residents, and developing our community wealth.

“We also want to see stimulus for local economies, especially the visitor economy, investment in green skills, the developing of health and wellbeing opportunities, the retrofitting of housing stock, and a greater say in transport.

“Effective climate action also needs to run through all elements of the deal to reduce our county-wide carbon footprint.”

The council considered a joint report which has been prepared for all 15 councils, who will all scrutinise it in the coming weeks. If approved by all councils, the proposals will be taken forward to Government.

Find out more about Our New Deal for a Greater Lancashire.

Read the joint report here:


Last updated: 31 January 2022

Lancaster City Council logogram

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