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Lancaster City Council seeks public opinion on its partial review of the Local Plan

Work to update the Lancaster district’s Local Plan so it strengthens policies to tackle the climate emergency is nearing fruition.

Have your say on our partial review of the Local Plan

Have your say on our partial review of the Local Plan

Over the last 18 months Lancaster City Council has been reviewing the Local Plan to see if better outcomes can be achieved from new development by reducing carbon emissions and creating buildings that are more resilient to the effects of our changing climate.

Extensive consultation has taken place with residents, local communities, businesses and other stakeholders as part of the process.

The work is now substantially complete but there is a final opportunity for the people to have their say before the review is submitted to the Government to consider if the review has been properly prepared. 

Representations are now invited on the:

  • Climate Emergency Review of the Strategic Policies & Land Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD)
  • Climate Emergency Review of the Development Management DPD

Councillor Gina Dowding, cabinet member with responsibility for planning and place making, said: “It cannot be overstated how important the Local Plan is as a document that guides development in the district.

“Through this partial review of the Local Plan we are aiming to have the right policies in place to take action on the climate emergency and make sure that wherever possible it’s promoting low carbon and is fit for the future.

“Some of the really key outcomes include an objective that all new housing approved in the district will be net zero carbon by 2028, better consideration of flood risk and water management, and a greater focus on active travel networks.

“There’s also a greater focus on habitat and ecosystems, and the key role that renewable energy generation, distribution and storage plays in climate mitigation within new development.

“This phase of the review now provides a final opportunity for people to have their say before it is formally submitted to the Government.”

The Local Plan documents, supporting information and details on how to comment are available at

The deadline for responses is 12pm on Monday March 14.

Anyone who does not have access to the website can contact Lancaster City Council for a representation form:


Tel: 01524 582383

Post:   Planning & Place Service, Planning & Housing Strategy Team, Lancaster City Council, Lancaster Town Hall, PO Box 4, Lancaster,  LA1 1PJ

Last updated: 03 February 2022

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