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Carnforth Town Council submits its neighbourhood plan

A neighbourhood plan has been formally submitted to Lancaster City Council by Carnforth Town Council.

Neighbourhood planning gives communities the opportunity to decide where new development would best be suited and what it should look like; this can be residential, commercial and even industrial.

A neighbourhood plan must be in line with the district’s Local Plan and is subject to an independent examination and community referendum. If approved, a neighbourhood plan forms part of the district’s Local Plan and it is used in helping to make decisions on planning applications.

Having formally received a plan for the Carnforth parish area,  a final consultation is being undertaken with members of the public before the neighbourhood plan can be submitted for examination by an independent planning inspector, who will determine if the plan meets certain criteria requirements and standards.

Councillor Malcolm Watkins, Chair of Carnforth Neighbourhood Plan Working Group, said: "Carnforth Town Council is delighted to have submitted the Carnforth Neighbourhood Plan (CNP) and supporting documentation to Lancaster City Council.

"Our submission is the culmination of a great deal of work over almost four years.  The CNP has been developed to enable our community to take greater control of the type and scale of housing development and land use; our heritage and tourism; tackling climate change and protecting our environment; local economy, traffic management and air quality.  It sets out a vision, objectives and aspirations for the town to 2031."

Anyone wishing to be involved can view the submitted neighbourhood plan and associated documents at and can email any comments to or by post to Planning and Place Service, Planning and Housing Strategy Team, Lancaster Town Hall, Dalton Square, Lancaster LA1 1PJ.

Paper copies are also available at Carnforth Civic Hall or Morecambe Town Hall during office open hours.

The deadline for representations is Friday March 18.

Last updated: 04 February 2022

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