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New report on Roman Lancaster to help shape archaeological research framework

Lancaster City Council has released a new report on the archaeological excavation history of the Roman fort site and related nearby areas.

The report has been put together for the council by Jason Wood of Heritage Consultancy Services, who was the lead archaeologist for the Beyond the Castle project.

It will feed into the work to develop a research framework to guide priorities for archaeological and historical investigation on the wider site, with a focus on Vicarage Fields and Quay Meadow in particular.

The report focuses on the Roman heritage of the site and looks back on a century of excavations.  It is thought that recent excavation and geophysics work may have revealed a rare northern example of a Romano-Celtic temple.

To help deliver on the research framework, the council has established an advisory group of experts from local heritage groups and the general public.

Until the priorities for investigation have been decided upon, it is proposed that no further excavations will be held on Vicarage Fields and Quay Meadow.

Signs have been erected in this area reminding users that metal detecting is not allowed. Part of the area is legally protected because of its historical importance and where metal detecting is a criminal offence, along with any other activity that might damage the heritage of the site.

Councillor Sandra Thornberry, cabinet member with responsibility for museums, said:  “This report is an important step forward in our understanding of Lancaster’s Roman heritage.

“The possible discovery of a Romano-Celtic temple would be very exciting and greatly add to the significance of the site”.

More information and a copy of the report can be found at

Last updated: 07 December 2022

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