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Home Improvement Agency scoops two top awards

Staff from Lancaster City Council’s Home Improvement Agency (HIA) are celebrating after picking up two prestigious awards.

Our Home Improvement Agency has picked up two awards, including one from Foundations

Our Home Improvement Agency has picked up two awards, including one from Foundations

The team came out top in the ‘Sustainability in Home Adaptations’ category at the National Healthy Homes Awards.

Organised by Foundations, the Government-funded national body for HIAs and Disabled Facilities Grants, the awards honour pioneering organisations who support people with disabilities and long-term conditions to live safely at home. 

The awards are judged by an independent panel, including members from NHS England, Centre for Ageing Better and Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing.

The judges recognised the excellent practice taken by Lancaster for integrating a response to climate change in the delivery of disability adaptations in vulnerable residents’ homes.

Just days later the team were on the podium again, picking up ‘Innovator of the Year’ at the UK Housing Awards.

This award recognises the HIA’s integrated adaption service, which provides residents with a one-stop-shop for all forms of adaptation, including the delivery of Disabled Facilities Grants. In their citation the judges said the service demonstrated “clear social, environmental and financial sustainability”.

Councillor Cary Matthews, cabinet member with responsibility for housing, said: “To win not one but two awards in such close succession is a mark of the excellent work produced by the council’s Home Improvement Service every day of the week.

“The HIA continues to go the extra mile to make sure our most vulnerable residents stay safe, warm and independent at home and my congratulations go to the whole team.”

Last updated: 16 December 2022

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