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Think you can escape the Workhouse? Take the Workhouse Challenge!

Calling all children who fancy the challenge of experiencing a Victorian childhood!

On Tuesday August 30, Lancaster Maritime Museum will host the Workhouse Challenge, an immersive experience of challenges, tasks and activities as part of their History Detectives 'Very Victorian Summer' family activity programme.

Meet Matron, who will admit you into the Workhouse, before setting you a series of challenges to complete around the museum. Can you pass the tests set by Philip, the chimney sweep, Mr Knight the school master, and even the Workhouse Cook? If you do, then you might just escape and earn yourself an apprenticeship -  roll the dice to determine your fate.  Will Matron let you leave?

The Workhouse Experience runs between 10am and 12pm then again from 1pm until 3pm, so why not drop in for a museum trip your child is unlikely to forget.

Last updated: 18 August 2022

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