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Nominate your local heroes

The Mayor of Lancaster is asking people to nominate local unsung heroes to join her at a special celebratory event.

The Mayor of Lancaster is asking people to nominate local unsung heroes who will join her for afternoon tea

The Mayor of Lancaster is asking people to nominate local unsung heroes who will join her for afternoon tea

Councillor Joyce Pritchard will be hosting an afternoon tea to thank volunteers who have gone the extra mile.

She wants to hear about outstanding individuals who have given up their time to make a difference to their community or to help those in need.

Councillor Pritchard said: “Volunteers are the lifeblood of many local organisations and without them many services would simply not be able to function.

“This event is a small way of acknowledging the efforts of all of those people who give up their time to help others and give them a treat to say thank you for their efforts.”

The event will take place on Friday October 21 at 2pm at Lancaster Town Hall.

To nominate someone you think deserves to attend, send a short explanation of why they merit an invitation to by Friday September 30.

Alternatively, post your nomination to: Mayor’s Office, Lancaster Town Hall, LA1 1PJ.

Last updated: 16 August 2022

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