Climate emergency review takes another step forward
Preparation of the climate emergency review of the Lancaster district’s Local Plan has taken another step forward with the submission of updated documents and supporting information to the Government.

The climate emergency review of the Lancaster district’s Local Plan has taken another step forward with the submission of updated documents and supporting information to the Government
The purpose of the review is to ensure planning policies are aligned with the council’s ambitions around climate change.
Proposed policy changes focus heavily on climate change mitigation and reduction of carbon emissions. This includes higher energy efficiency requirements for buildings, a requirement for improved water efficiency standards, and a commitment to supporting, promoting, enhancing and developing the cycling and walking network.
Councillor Gina Dowding, cabinet member with responsibility for planning and place making, said: “Since the council declared a climate emergency, it has been working hard on a range of actions designed to make its activities net carbon zero by 2030.
“The Local Plan is a key document which shapes the way development is undertaken in the district. This review will strengthen planning policies with the aim of ensuring the district as a whole contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, securing reduced carbon emissions from built developments and a range of measures to support climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience.”
The Local Plan documents submitted are:
- Climate Emergency Review of the Strategic Policies and Land Allocations Development Plan Document
- Climate Emergency Review of the Development Management Development Plan Document.
Both documents have undergone several stages of public consultation and will now be ‘examined’ by an independent Government appointed inspector over the next few months.
The inspector will decide if these plans have been properly prepared. If they have been, then they can be adopted by the council, incorporating any recommendations that the inspector may make. It is anticipated that the revised Local Plan documents could be adopted in early 2023, replacing the documents adopted in July 2020.
The two major documents and all accompanying documents are available to view at
Paper copies are available for inspection during opening hours at:
- Morecambe Town Hall, Marine Road East, Morecambe, LA4 5AF
- Lancaster Town Hall, Dalton Square, Lancaster, LA1 1PJ
- Libraries in Lancaster, Morecambe, Heysham, Carnforth, and Halton
Last updated: 20 April 2022