Mayor of Lancaster launches Christmas card competition
The Mayor of Lancaster is asking primary school age pupils from across the district to design him a Christmas card.

Could your son or daughter design a Christmas card fit for the Queen?
The successful design will be sent to a number of important people on behalf of Lancaster City Council, including Her Majesty the Queen.
For those children wishing to enter the competition their design should:
• Be on a piece of A4 paper of any colour
• Use strong colours but avoid using glitter
• Not have things stuck on to it – they don’t copy well
• Include their name, age, address and telephone number on the back
“I am really looking forward to receiving the entries produced by the children of our district for my Christmas card competition,” commented the Mayor.
“I’m sure I will have a very difficult decision to make.”
Designs should be scanned and sent to the Mayor’s Office by email - The closing date is Friday November 26.
The winner will receive a surprise gift from the Mayor before Christmas.
Last updated: 21 October 2021