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Council seeks views on planning documents

Lancaster City Council is asking for people’s views on newly published planning documents.

We'd like your views on two recently published planning documents

We'd like your views on two recently published planning documents

Two Supplementary Planning Documents, also known as an SPD, have been produced to provide more detailed guidance on policies contained in the Local Plan.

Both documents were consulted on earlier this year and have now been amended in response to people’s views.

Before being formally adopted, there’s a further opportunity for people to have their say.

The documents are:

  • Draft Meeting Housing Needs SPD

The Local Plan contains policies which set out requirements for housing development, including the amount of affordable housing, housing mix and type, rural housing to meet local identified needs, rural workers dwellings, older people and gypsy and traveller sites.

This draft SPD provides additional guidance on the detail and criteria within these policies.  More details can be found at

  • Draft Viability Protocol SPD

This draft SPD sets out overarching principles for how the council will approach development viability, where this is a consideration as part of the planning process.

It provides guidance on the details that should be included in viability assessments and the council’s approach to considering viability matters. It can be found at

Following consultation and subject to any further amendments, if considered necessary, it is intended to adopt the SPDs for use in decision making. Responses must be received by Monday December 6 2021.


Last updated: 27 October 2021

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