Local businesses could be missing out on up to £20,000!
Businesses that have not yet applied for the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) and the LRSG (Open) will potentially miss out on up to £20,000 if they have not applied by March 31.

Has you business applied for a Covdi-19 grant?
The sum depends upon the size and type of the business and when it was mandated to close or became severely impacted.
Even small businesses stand to lose out on considerable sums. A business with a rateable value of £15,000 and below that has been forced to close during the Tier 4 and Lockdown periods since November stands to lose out on over £7,500.
To be eligible your business should have a business rates number and have been mandated to close. Businesses in receipt of rates relief are eligible. This includes many community organisations such as village halls who are yet to apply.
After March 31 only grants for closed businesses from February 16 – March 31 will be available.
Many closed businesses may also be eligible for a grant for periods when they were open but severely impacted.
For more information on the grants available and to apply, visit our grants page.
Last updated: 10 March 2021