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Local businesses invited to have their say

Lancaster City Council is asking local businesses for their views on what it is like to operate in the district with the launch of an online survey.

Business Survey
Have your say

The aim of the survey is to gather feedback from local businesses to help the council focus on ways in which it can help provide the best environment for them to grow and prosper.

With many exciting projects in the pipeline, such as Lancaster’s Canal Quarter, the Eden Project, and the Heysham Gateway, combined with the opportunities presented by moving towards a low-carbon economy, the information gathered will also help the council shape its economic development strategy and inform decision-making processes to ensure the needs of businesses are met. 

This is the second survey of its kind undertaken by the council and to ensure the results have as positive an impact as possible, the council is urging as many businesses as possible to take part.

Summary data, conclusions and subsequent action taken will be made available to all respondents.

Key actions from the 2018 Business Survey can be found at the council’s new ‘one stop shop for businesses’ section of its website –  

Coun Tim Hamilton-Cox, Cabinet member with responsibility for economic development and regeneration, said:  “Listening to the views of businesses operating in the area and gathering feedback from the practitioners is crucial in developing policy and support in the district, particularly in the context of the climate emergency.

“Anyone who owns or manages a local business, however big or small, new or well-established, is being urged to take part in the survey so that they can share their views and ideas on what is needed for businesses to succeed here and how the council and its partners can help.”

The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete and can be found online at    

The closing date for the survey is Monday, November 11 2019.

All data provided will be kept secure and only used for the purpose of the survey.

Last updated: 27 September 2019

Lancaster City Council logogram

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