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Contributors sought for new advisory groups

Lancaster City Council is looking for people with a passion for the district to join one of six new advisory groups and voice their views on some of the most significant opportunities and challenges facing us.

The new advisory groups are part of a broader strategy focused on strengthening the voice of residents in the deliberations of the council and looking for ways to mobilise the skills and knowledge of residents and organisations across the district to support the district.  

Coun Dr Erica Lewis, leader of Lancaster City Council, said: “It is a simple truth, we will do a better job and have a greater impact if we draw of the wealth of skills and knowledge in the community and work in partnership with those whom we share values and aims.

“The advisory groups are an opportunity for people and organisations to share skills and knowledge, help shape council deliberations and build networks.”

The new advisory groups cover the following areas:

•     Community wealth-building – exploring how we build a sustainable and just local economy that benefits local people and organisations
•     Culture, heritage, arts and leisure – making the most of the district’s diverse and broad offer
•     Climate and the environment – responding to the climate emergency and providing great green spaces
•     Housing and homelessness – providing great places for communities
•     Economic development and regeneration – enabling an inclusive and prosperous local economy
•     Wellbeing - supporting our communities in living well

We want to reach beyond those people and organisations who have usually been involved with the city council, so if you would like to be part of one of the themed advisory groups, or have a suggestion on holding a ‘community conversation’ on a particular place or topic, please visit and let us know.

Last updated: 09 October 2019

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