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Poster competition puts plastic pollution in the spotlight

The winners have been revealed of a competition which asked the next generation to help highlight the danger single use plastics are causing to our environment.

Jessica (10) and Carmella (8) receive their prizes fromh the Mayor of Lancaster, Coun Andrew Kay, and the school's Eco Committeee

Jessica (10) and Carmella (8) receive their prizes fromh the Mayor of Lancaster, Coun Andrew Kay, and the school's Eco Committeee

As part of a campaign to reduce society’s reliance on plastic bottles, primary school children were asked to design a poster highlighting three key messages:  

•    Reduce: Cut down our use of single use plastic and disposable coffee cups
•    Refill: Use a refillable water or coffee mug instead of single use plastic or cups
•    Recycle: Plastic bottles are recyclable – make sure you recycle all you can

The winning posters were designed by Jessica, age 10, and Carmella, age 8, of Trumacar Community Primary School, and Tilly, age 10, from Ridge Primary school. 

They were presented with book tokens and framed copies of their winning designs by the Mayor of Lancaster, Coun Andrew Kay, who also chairs a working party which aims to tackle the problem of plastic waste.

Coun Kay said: “We were delighted to receive so many entries for the competition and it was very difficult to choose an overall winner. 

“So difficult, in fact, that we had to choose more than one! I’d like to thank Jessica, Carmella, Tilly and all the children who got involved for their hard work.

“It’s so gratifying to see children getting involved in the campaign – they are the ones that will have to live in the world that is shaped by the decisions we make today.

“We need to all realise that we are custodians of the planet and do all we can to reduce our impact on the environment.” 

To aid the campaign drinking fountains have been installed in Williamson Park, next to the Clock Tower in Morecambe and Market Street in Carnforth.

Biodegradable coffee cups have also been introduced in Williamson Park and measures have been taken to eliminate the sale of non-recyclable single-use take-out cups, slush cups, plastic straws and cutlery. 

These products have been replaced with fully compostable ‘vegware’, vegetable oil, paper and bamboo products. 

The council also recently declared a ‘climate change emergency’ and is convening a climate change liaison group to discuss further measures it can take.

Last updated: 19 February 2019

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