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Nightmare neighbour given Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction

Lancaster City Council has been granted a court injunction against a Middleton woman to protect neighbours from her persistent anti-social behaviour.

Joanne Bailey

Joanne Bailey

Joanne Bailey, of Low Road in Middleton, was also handed a suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay £2,124.68 in costs for breaching an interim order, when she appeared in court on Monday February 11.

Lancaster County Court heard that Bailey had subjected various residents of Middleton to anti-social behaviour, the most serious of which saw her use a hosepipe to flood the cavity wall of an adjoining house with water.

Other behaviour included playing loud music, and throwing stones at houses.
Historically, repeated attempts were made by the police to mediate the situation and encourage Bailey to change her behaviour, but all failed.

As a result of Bailey’s continued conduct, an interim Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction (ASBI) was granted in January 2019, pending a full hearing. 

She breached the order within a month and as a result she was arrested and brought to court and sentenced to a 16 week prison sentence, suspended for two years, and ordered to pay £2,124.68 in costs. 

Bailey was also handed a three year ASBI, which prevents her from harassing her neighbours and playing loud music, among other provisions. Breaching the order will result in further action being taken against her in the courts, with the maximum punishment being two years' imprisonment.

Coun Brendan Hughes, Cabinet member with responsibility for community safety, said: “Everyone has the right to live a life free from anti-social behaviour. 

“Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of both the police and the council, Ms Bailey has continued to cause huge problems for her neighbours and the council has a duty to act on these complaints and protect the public from her anti-social behaviour.

“In circumstances such as these, where someone has constantly failed to modify their behaviour, the council has no hesitation in taking action through the courts.”

Anti-Social Behaviour Injunctions were introduced under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. They replace Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) and aim to protect specific victims or communities from behaviour which has damaged their quality of life.

Last updated: 18 February 2019

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