Poppies to pop up in Lancaster
Lancaster City Council are working with the Lancaster branch of the Royal British Legion to help sell giant poppies for people to display on the railings of the city's Memorial Gardens at Lancaster Town Hall.

Poppies available for sale
It is hoped that by Remembrance Sunday in November, a large swirl of poppies will be in place stretching the full length of the railings.
All proceeds from the sale of the poppies will be given to the Royal British Legion which provides lifelong support for the armed forces community including veterans and their families.
Coun Andrew Kay, Mayor of Lancaster, said: “I am delighted that we are able to give local people the opportunity to support the commemoration of the centenary of the end of World War I in this beautiful way and to remember those who served and gave their lives in the Great War.”
Poppies for Lancaster’s Memorial Gardens are available from the Mayor’s Office at Lancaster Town Hall at a cost of £5. Anyone wanting to help support our heroes buying and displaying a poppy you can either call 01524 582065 to arrange to buy and display a poppy. Anyone wanting to buy poppies in bulk should contact the Lancaster branch of the Royal British Legion by email to andrew1960taylor@btinternet.com
Morecambe BID in conjunction with Morecambe Town Council are also selling the poppies to be displayed around Morecambe to commemorate the end of the First World War. Visit www.morecambebid.com for more information.
Last updated: 12 September 2018