Salt Ayre development picks up top award
Lancaster City Council has won a prestigious award for its successful redevelopment of Salt Ayre Leisure Centre.

Wendy Clarke (judge), presents the award to Helen McMahon (procurement manager) and Stuart Glover (Sports Development & Facilities Manager).
The council picked up the Connected Procurement and Commissioning gong at the iNetwork Innovation Awards.
The award celebrates the innovative approach taken by the council to the commissioning and procurement of a partner to revitalise the ageing centre.
A team of experts was formed from across the council to lead the project, ensuring that the knowledge, skills, capacity and experience needed were involved from the first concept meeting.
This team was instrumental in commissioning a specialist leisure development partner, Alliance Leisure, to totally transform the facility.
The renovation of the centre has seen a significant increase in the number of local residents using the facilities and new clubs are extending and broadening the offer.
Further evidence shows that visitors are now travelling from out of the district, making Salt Ayre a true visitor attraction.
For more information on the new facilities visit our Salt Ayre pages.
Last updated: 05 February 2018