Exciting playtimes ahead for Grosvenor Park
The ambition of a group of local residents and Heaton-with-Oxcliffe parish council to provide children with a safe and exciting place to play was realised this week when the brand new £54K Grosvenor Park Play Area was officially opened.

Children from Grosvenor Park Primary School celebrate opening of new play on their patch
The former play area on Lune Drive, Morecambe which was owned and maintained by Lancaster City Council had become old and worn and in desperate need of a revamp.
For the last 10 months, the Parish Council and local residents have been working with Lancaster City Council to develop plans and source funding for an exciting new facility which would cater for all ages up to 12 years old including those with disabilities.
The partnership approach enabled funding to be secured from a variety of sources including £5,000 from Banks Heysham South Wind Farm Community Fund, £9,746 from BIG lottery Awards for All, £5,000 from the Galbraith Trust and £30,000 from the Lancashire Environmental Fund and Heaton with Oxcliffe Parish Council.
Works to install the exciting new facility took six weeks to complete and the play area is now open for business. Attractions include Castle Galahad and Little Miss Muffet multi-play structures, a Viking swing with basket, crazy twister rotator, sit on and sit in springies and a roundabout. These are complemented by woodland themed ground graphics and a seating and picnic area.
Last updated: 10 February 2018