Ryelands Park bandstand to be removed
Work to remove the bandstand on Ryelands Park will begin on Thursday June 1.
The bandstand, which has been a feature on the park since the 1960s but not used for its true purpose in decades, has been the subject of repeated vandalism over the years.
It has now deteriorated to the point where it is unsafe and will be removed as part of the approved masterplan for the park.
Demolition is supported by the Friends of Ryelands Park, a group of local people who volunteer their time to help make improvements to the park.
Working with the city council, the group is currently working towards applying for Green Flag status. This would mark the park out as one of the best green spaces in the country.
Stephen Wearden, chair of the Friends, said: “Ryelands Park has the potential to be one of the best areas of green space in the district and a real community asset.
“A lot of hard work has gone into delivering improvements but the bandstand is starting to let the park down and with it the chances of gaining Green Flag status.
“We are supportive of the bandstand’s removal and this will allow us to concentrate our energies in delivering sustainable projects that will bring greater benefits to local residents and other visitors to the park.
“It is unfortunate that such an icon of the park has got to such a state, but it is now working against the promotion of the park, projecting a picture of neglect and decay rather than the instantly recognisable trademark image that it once was.”
Mark Davies, Chief Officer (Environment) added: “Various attempts have been made to maintain the bandstand over the years following incidents of vandalism and the like.
“During our consultation on the future planning for the park there was no evidence that people wanted a bandstand in the park, or wanted to divert resources to restoring one.
“The resources the council has, combined with the fantastic efforts of the Friends group, are focussed on delivering the agreed masterplan for the park.”
Working together the Friends group and Lancaster City Council have delivered a number of recent improvements including a wild flower garden and orchard, development of and adult health trail and delivery of the accessible play area.
For more information on the masterplan visit the Ryelands Park pages.
Last updated: 06 June 2017