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Lancaster City Council approves its Local Plan for publication

Lancaster City Council has agreed to formally publish its new Local Plan.

There will be a six-week formal publication period to allow for final representations on whether the proposed plan is ‘legally compliant and sound’ before it is submitted for independent examination by a government appointed inspector.  This six-week period for representations is expected to begin in early February.

Local authorities are required by law to prepare a Local Plan to set the local planning framework for their area. 

The plan, which has been subject to extensive consultation, will guide development in the Lancaster district until at least 2031.

The final draft plans for just over 12,000 new homes across the district and also includes details of where new housing and employment sites will be built to help create potentially 9,500 new jobs.

It also includes land allocations for the open spaces, shops and community facilities necessary to create places people want to live, work and do business.

Coun Janice Hanson, cabinet member with responsibility for planning and regeneration, said: “It is important to remember that the Local Plan is about the future.

“Today’s circumstances will not be tomorrow’s and we need to lift our eyes to the horizon. This plan looks ahead to where today’s children will live, work and raise families in 20-25 years.

“It sets out a strong vision for the future and one which I believe will enable people to thrive and prosper, wherever they live in the district, and I would like to thank everyone who has taken the opportunity to get involved."

As part of the consultation the council organised a series of events across the district where anyone interested in knowing more about the plan was able to speak to council officers about what the Local Plan might mean for their area.  More than 1,500 people attended the 15 events between January and March this year to view and comment on the Local Plan documents and supporting evidence.

Comments made earlier in the process have been taken into account and revisions made as the successive drafts of the plan have been prepared.

If you would like to make final representations please sign up to the council’s planning policy consultee list.  

The Local Plan documents, the comments received following the publication of the plan and the evidence which supports the documents are likely to be submitted to the government in early May.

Last updated: 21 December 2017

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