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Cabinet to discuss weed spraying solution

Weed spraying should take place in 2017 after a deal was struck to alleviate the impact of weeds on the environment for residents and visitors.

Earlier this year Lancashire County Council decided not to fund weed spraying as it sought to save money due to Government budget cuts.
Lancaster City Council has now struck a deal with the county council that will see weed spraying again take place from next year, subject to endorsement from the council’s Cabinet on October 4.

The weed spraying will be funded by freeing up money from existing budgets by making operational changes and efficiencies.

Coun Brendan Hughes, Cabinet member with responsibility for Environmental Services, said: “I’m glad that we have been able to resolve this situation.

“While technically it is a county council responsibility, it’s important that the city council takes account of how this has affected the district’s streets and the way they are viewed by residents and visitors.

“But spraying alone will not solve the problem – at best it will reduce the worst of the weeds and we still need the community to help do their bit where possible.”

While spraying is expected to reduce the worst of the weed growth, it will not eliminate the problem entirely.

To this end, the council will continue to support the efforts of communities to take pride in their own areas and to direct the community payback team that is funded by the council to weed problem areas by hand.

“A lot of good work has taken place this year with community groups rallying round to clear areas of weed growth,” Coun Hughes added.

“It’s this type of community spirit and taking pride in the area that makes me proud to live in the Lancaster district. The continued support of these groups and the work of individuals just clearing the patch by their own properties is vital to keep our district looking great.”

The city council’s Cabinet will discuss the issue on October 4.

Last updated: 26 September 2016

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