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Dillon ‘City Ratcatcher’ Haygarth dies at the grand age of 19

It is with great sadness that Lancaster City Council’s Pest Control Team reports the recent passing of a dear friend, colleague, companion and avid city rat catcher, Dillon the dog.

Dillon 'City Ratcatcher' Haygarth

Dillon passed away on Monday October 10 in the arms of his owner, best friend and soul workmate Ron Haygarth at the respectful age of 19.

Dillon was picked up as a stray by the council dog wardens when he was around 7 months old and was soon adopted by Lancaster City Council Pest Control Supervisor, Ron.

When Dillon was 12 months old Ron judged that he was ready to start earning his keep and he was put to work as a ratcatcher, soon demonstrating his skill by catching and killing his first rat.

Sporting his LCC ‘City Ratcatcher’ ID badge (and his hi-viz jacket of course), Dillon quickly became an essential member of the council pest control team and destroyed well over 150 rats over the years.

He was invaluable in a PR capacity too, becoming mascot for County College at Lancaster University, where he was presented with a made-to-measure mortarboard. He was also made a life member of the Transport & General Workers Union and given his own union card.

Dillon was at his happiest when flushing out rats on farms but could turn his paw to any job. One of the highlights of his career was rescuing four employees in a Lancaster building society who had barricaded themselves in to escape a rat running round the premises.

On another occasion an elderly lady was so pleased at Dillon catching a rat from behind her fridge that she gave him the piece of prime steak she’d got in for her dinner!

In Dillon’s busy 18-year career he never once got bitten by a rat – Ron obviously trained him well.

Dillon was loved by everyone who met him and will be truly missed.

Last updated: 25 October 2016

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