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Funding success for restoration of Morecambe's Bay Arena

The Bay Arena in Morecambe is one of the 15 projects along the Great British Coast benefitting from a share of £700,000, Communities Minister Mark Francois announced today.

The projects – dotted across the country from Durham to Dorset – have been awarded up to £50,000 each to help restore local landmarks to their former glory.

Mr Francois hopes that the work will encourage a wave of enthusiasm for trips to our much-loved seaside areas – and help boost the £4billion that tourism generates for coastal communities every year.

Coastal Communities Minister Mark Francois, said:  ““Across our Great British Coast we’ve got heritage hooks to be proud of, but some of these places need some tender, loving, care.

“That’s why over the past year we’ve invested £3.7million to get them back into ship-shape and now the Bay Arena and 14 more brilliant British attractions will be buoyed up by work to restore them to their former glory.

“This country has sight-seeing gems that are a match for anywhere in the world and I’d urge people to take a trip down to the seaside to discover them.”

Spruced-up seaside sights

Lancaster City Council will receive £50,000 to give a new lease of life to a former lido in Morecambe and turn into a welcome venue for festivals, arts and leisure.

The council plans on turning the Bay Arena, located in the headland area of Morecambe’s seafront, into an Art Park to creating a cultural hot spot.

As part of a phased development this new money will allow improvements to the current limited site access, restoration of art deco features, a public art commission, and attractive landscaping works.

If it results in just 0.1% increased visitors to the town, that could result in an extra £1.4m being spent in the local area.

Coun Janice Hanson, Cabinet member with responsibility for planning and regeneration, said:  “This fantastic early news on our application for Coastal Revival Funding will allow us to start planning a new lease of life for Morecambe’s former Dome/Bubbles site as a leisure and recreational area that every member of the community can enjoy and be proud of.   It is hoped that the start of the restoration works this Autumn will mark the beginning of a series of transformational projects that will add to the vitality of both this area and the surrounding Central Promenade. “

Details of all 15 funded projects.

Last updated: 10 May 2016

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