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Are you registered to vote?

Lancaster City Council is encouraging local residents who have not yet registered to vote to make sure they’re on the electoral register in time for May’s Police and Crime Commissioner elections and the EU referendum in June.

You can’t vote if you’re not registered, and contrary to popular belief, you won’t be automatically registered even if you pay council tax. This is particularly important for anyone who has recently moved home – if they do not register at their new address they risk falling off the electoral register.

Mark Cullinan, Electoral Registration Officer for Lancaster City Council, said: “I’d urge anyone not yet registered to vote should do so as soon as possible and it only takes a few minutes to complete the online form.

“As well as not being able to vote the electoral register is used by credit reference agencies to determine whether people are eligible for credit or a loan. Many people discover they are not on the electoral register when they have been declined an application for a mobile phone or opening a bank account, so it’s vitally important that people take the time to register.”

If you don’t have access to the internet please call the elections helpline on 01524 582905 to have a registration form posted out to you or to register over the phone. You will need your National Insurance number.

Last updated: 09 March 2016

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