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#NVRD - Join the drive and register to vote today

Lancaster City Council is encouraging anyone not yet registered to vote to take advantage of National Voter Registration Drive (February 1 to 7) this week and go online now to register.

On Thursday 5 May 2016 voters in the Lancaster district will go to the polls to elect a Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire. Anyone who is not registered to vote won’t be able to take part and have their say.

The message is particular important for anyone who has moved house recently as they will need to re-register at their new address and students, many of whom do not realise that they should be registered at both their term time address and at the address they live at outside term time.

As well as not being able to vote, not being on the electoral register can affect your credit rating and you might not be able to secure a mortgage, loan or mobile phone contract.

The deadline to register to vote in the May elections is Monday 18 April 2016. Whilst there is still time, it’s running out quickly.

The good news is that it only takes a few minutes to register online at

Electronic applications are really easy to do and they save a lot of paper and postage, but if you prefer to have a paper form we can send one to you and you can post it back to us free of charge.

Local residents can get a paper copy of the registration form by contacting the electoral registration office on 01524 582950.

Last updated: 08 March 2016

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