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Planning for the district’s future

A draft blueprint to shape the future of the Lancaster district is due to be discussed by city councillors.

On Wednesday December 14, Full Council will discuss a draft Local Plan for the district and be asked to approve it for consultation.

It follows an initial consultation last autumn in which Lancaster City Council asked people for their views on proposed sites to accommodate an anticipated growth in population and jobs over the next 20 years.

The Government has also directed local authorities to ensure they are contributing to the increasing national shortfall of housing.

This means that the council has to identify enough land for around 13,000 new homes and potentially 9,500 jobs. 

Feedback from last autumn’s consultation, along with other evidence, has been used to prepare the draft Local Plan that will be considered by councillors.

Coun Janice Hanson, Cabinet member with responsibility for planning and regeneration, said:  "The process of putting together a Local Plan is lengthy and complex and has to take into account a wide range of factors.

"The feedback we received during last year’s consultation has been instrumental in helping the council to put together the draft plan and, subject to approval by Full Council, there will now be another chance for people to get involved.

“It’s important that we make progress so we can develop a final Local Plan to provide the opportunities for people to find work and have a decent home.”

Subject to approval at Full Council, the consultation will take place in early 2017, with a view to the final Local Plan being formally published next autumn.

The Government has set a deadline of early 2017 for local authorities to show they have made sufficient progress on their Local Plans.  

Any found to be delaying the preparation of a Local Plan have been warned that they may face intervention from the Government in order to speed up the process. 

This would mean the Government making decisions on behalf of the city council, which would overrule any local views and accountability.

The report to Full Council on the draft Local Plan is available to view. 

Last updated: 07 December 2016

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