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Local residents fined for dog related offences

Lancaster City Council is warning dog owners to take heed of dog control orders after two local woman were fined a total of £604 for committing an offence imposed by the orders.

In September last year, Amy Staniforth of Brook Road, Morecambe was issued with a fixed penalty notice by a council dog warden having been seen with two dogs on King Georges Field, Heysham.

The land is an enclosed football field and has been granted the status of a dog exclusion zone following the introduction of dog control orders in November 2012 under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005.

At the time of the offence, the warden explained this to her and that there were signs near the gate stating this.

Having failed to pay the fixed penalty, the case was heard in Ms Staniforth’s absence by Lancaster Magistrates on April 11 when she was fined £220 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £22 and costs of £60.

In October last year, a fixed penalty notice was issued to Tanya Roberts, formerly of Heathfoot Avenue, Heysham for allowing a dog to be off a lead on a public highway.

A fixed penalty was issued and having failed to pay the fine, the case was brought before Lancaster Magistrates on April 18.  Ms Robert’s was also absent from court and fined £220 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £22 and costs of £60.

Coun Karen Leytham, Cabinet member with responsibility for environmental health, said:  “We hope that prosecutions such as this send out a strong message to dog owners that failing to comply with dog control orders which help councils crack down on issues such as dog fouling and dogs being out of control in public places, can lead to an expensive fine.”

Last updated: 20 April 2016

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