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Lancaster City Council agrees to join Combined Authority

LANCASTER City Council has agreed to join other councils across the county in setting up a Combined Authority for Lancashire.

Last night (Wednesday April 13) councillors voted to back the plan, which will help to secure more investment and jobs for the county.

The vote follows a county-wide consultation earlier this year in which 2,000 residents and businesses gave their views on the idea of setting up a Combined Authority, with most respondents supporting the proposal.

Ten other councils in the county have already backed the plan and three others will decide shortly. 

The next stage is to submit a formal bid to the Government which, if successful, would see the creation of a legal body enabling councils to work more closely together on strategic issues, such as the economy, transport and skills, to help secure more investment and jobs for the county.

It would not involve any kind of merger between councils.

Coun Eileen Blamire, leader of Lancaster City Council, said: "Councils in Lancashire have been of the view for some time that we need to decide if we are able to work more closely, particularly in terms of the economy, skills, transport and housing.

“It’s not about the creation of a ‘super council’ or local authorities merging, but giving us a stronger voice to influence Central Government.” 

If the proposal gets the go ahead it would mean that councils can work as one democratically accountable body around the key areas of economic development, regeneration and transport to:

• Avoid duplication and provide more efficient services
• Create a stronger basis for bidding for Government and EU money
• Make best use of council and Government money
• Speed up decision-making

Each council would still be responsible for the services it provides.

More information is available at  

Last updated: 14 April 2016

Lancaster City Council logogram

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