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Businesses urged to be a good sport this May

This May shop owners and businesses in central Morecambe are being asked to celebrate what promises to be a packed summer of sport with the town’s annual window dressing competition.

The competition, now in its fourth year, helps showcase the best of what businesses have on offer and attract new customers.

This year’s theme is sport, building on the huge summer we have ahead of us with the European Football Championships in France and the Rio Olympics.

As in previous years visual display expert Helen Goodwin of ‘Made You Look, Made You Stare’ will be on hand to offer advice and tips.

A free demonstration from Helen will take place on Monday April 25 from 6pm to 7pm at Kerry’s Coffee House on Marine Road Central. Pop in for a free brew and cake as well as expert advice on how to create an award-winning display.

If you can’t make it then a limited number of appointments will be available when Helen will visit businesses at their premises for a short and free one-to-one appointment. These will take place on a first-come, first-served basis on Monday and Tuesday April 25 and 26.

Coun Janice Hanson, Cabinet member with responsibility for regeneration, said: “This summer we’ll be treated to a summer of sport with the European Championships and Rio Olympics, among others, providing plenty of scope to come up with some eye-catching displays.

“And if businesses can incorporate Eric Morecambe in there somewhere in what would have been his 90th birthday, all the better!

“This competition is always a sure fire hit and I’ll be looking forward to judging it once again.”

Supporting businesses is an important part of the Morecambe Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) 2: A View for Eric, a project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Lancaster City Council.

THIs seek to invest in and regenerate historic town centres and help communities learn about and look after their heritage. Window displays offer a cheap and effective means of promoting identity and quality and help towards creating a healthy town centre.

A range of prizes will be available for the winners of the competition. For more information and to register your interest visit our View for Eric webpage, call 01524 582023 or email

Judging will take place on the morning of Thursday May 12.

Last updated: 13 April 2016

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