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Insurance Privacy Notice

This notice explains what personal data (information) we hold about you, how we collect and how we use and may share information about you. We are required to give you this information under data protection law

Who we are

Lancaster City Council (LCC) collects, uses and is responsible for certain personal information about you. When we do so we are regulated under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which applies across the European Union (including in the United Kingdom) and we are responsible as ‘controller’ of that personal information for the purposes of those laws. Our Data Protection Officer is Amy Holland .

Personal information we collect and use

Information collected by us

In the course of handling your claim for compensation we collect the following personal information when you provide it to us:

  • personal details – name, address, e-mail address, telephone numbers,date of birth and national insurance number (if claiming for personal injury).
  • medical details (if claiming for personal injury) – GP name and address.
  • bank details (if required in order to settle claim).

How we use your personal information

We use your personal information to administer your claim and for the prevention and detection of fraud. Lancaster City Council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers.

How long your personal data will be kept

We will hold your personal information for up to 6 years in line with the Limitation Act 1980. In personal injury claims involving a child, the 6 year period does not start until the child reaches the age of 18 and so children's personal information will be held for longer.

Reasons we can collect and use your personal information

We rely on:

  • legal obligation
  • public task
  • for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or whenever courts are acting in their judicial capacityfor reasons of substantial public interest (equality of opportunity or treatment, preventing or detecting unlawful acts, protecting the public against dishonesty, preventing fraud, suspicion of terrorist financing or money laundering.

The provision of the information requested in our claim form is required from you to enable us to assess your claim for compensation.

As we have a statutory basis for collecting your personal data if you do not provide the requested information we will be unable to process your claim.

Who we share your personal information with

We may share your personal data with our insurers and solicitors who may store it on their databases. Our insurers may search these databases when you make a claim, to validate your claims history or that of any other person or property likely to be involved in the claim.

This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers. In order to prevent and detect fraud, we may, in liaison with our insurers, share information about you with other organisations including the police, check and/or share your details with fraud prevention and detection agencies or bodies responsible for auditing and administering public funds. If false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified, details will be passed to fraud prevention agencies to prevent fraud and money laundering.

Your rights

Under GDPR you have rights which you can exercise free of charge which allow you to:

  • know what we are doing with your information and why we are doing it
  • ask to see what information we hold about you (subject access request)
  • ask us to correct any mistakes in the information we hold about you
  • object to direct marketing
  • make a complaint to the Information Commissioners Office
  • withdraw consent at any time (if applicable)

Depending on our reason for using your information you may also be entitled to:

  • ask us to delete information we hold about you
  • have your information transferred electronically to yourself or to another organisation
  • object to decisions being made that significantly affect you
  • object to how we are using your information
  • stop us using your information in certain ways

We will always seek to comply with your request however we may be required to hold or use your information to comply with legal duties. Please note, your request may delay or prevent us delivering a service to you.

For further information about your rights, including the circumstances in which they apply, see the guidance from the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) on individuals’ rights under GDPR.

If you would like to exercise a right, please email the Data Protection Team at

Keeping your personal information secure

We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost or used or accessed in an unauthorised way. We limit access to your personal information to those who have a genuine business need to know it. Those processing your information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.


Please contact the Data Protection team at to exercise any of your rights, or if you have a complaint about why your information has been collected, how it has been used or how long we have kept it for.

Or you can write to: Data Protection Officer, Lancaster City Council, Town Hall, Dalton Square, LA1 1PJ.

GDPR also gives you right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. The supervisory authority in the UK is the Information Commissioner who may be contacted on 03031 231113.

Last updated: 11 February 2020

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