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Immigration inspections

Prior to allowing entry clearance into this country, confirmation is sometimes required to determine whether the intended accommodation is safe and fit for human habitation, and whether the property would become statutorily overcrowded by any additional person(s) proposing to live there.

Lancaster City Council provides inspections for immigration purposes to those living within the district.

Requesting an immigration inspection

An inspection cannot be carried out until a completed application form and the correct payment have been received.

The charge for an Immigration Inspection is £73 and this can be paid using the following methods:

  • In person at the customer service centres at Lancaster and Morecambe town halls
  • By post - by completing the request form and returning it to Morecambe Town Hall, Morecambe LA4 5AF with the correct fee

Please DO NOT send cash. Cheques should be made payable to Lancaster City Council. A receipt will be provided when the property is visited.

Once this application form is received you will be contacted within 5 working days to arrange a mutually convenient date and time for an inspection visit. Letters are normally sent within 5 working days from the date of the inspection.

What to expect

When we arrive to inspect, we will ask to see some documentation from the immigration authorities to show that you are in the process of making an application. This might take the form of a letter or official form from the relevant High Commission etc with the proposed immigrants name and a reference number with which to associate the application.

When we inspect, we will ask to see proof of your ownership or tenancy of the property.

If you own the property, then we will need to see the title deeds, mortgage statement, or correspondence from your mortgage provider. If you rent the property, then we will need to see a current tenancy agreement, and a utility bill in your name at the address in question.

We will then inspect the whole of the property at which you live.

You will be asked to show us around your property, outlining who occupies the house, and which rooms they sleep in. During the course of the inspection, we will make a judgement on whether the property is suitable and safe for occupation, and whether it would become statutorily overcrowded by the addition of the person seeking entry to the UK.

We may ask you additional questions if we are unclear on anything that we have seen or that you have told us, and may ask you to provide additional documentation to support what you have told us.

When we have completed our investigations, you will be supplied with a letter, usually within 5 days of our visit, that will state:

  • Your name and the name(s) of the person(s) seeking entry to the UK
  • The address of the property inspected
  • Who owns, and who occupies the property
  • How the property is occupied, and by whom
  • Whether the property was fit for human habitation at the time of our inspection
  • Whether the property would be statutorily overcrowded by the addition of the person seeking entry to the UK
  • The name of the officer to contact for further information

The applicant is then responsible for forwarding the letter to the appropriate authority in support of the application for immigration.

Please note:

  • We will not supply letters unless we have inspected the property.
  • The immigration authorities will not accept letters that are more than 12 weeks old.
  • If your letter expires on this ground, we will not issue another until we have carried out a full investigation again.

For further details please call 01524 582257.

Further Information on immigration sponsorship

For further information on immigration and sponsoring a visitor, please see the UK Border Agency - Sponsoring a visitor website, or contact the Immigration Enquiry Bureau:

  • Telephone: 0870 606 7766
  • UK Border Agency, Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 2BY

Last updated: 14 March 2023

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