Meet The Community Safety Team
Our Community Safety Team plays a vital role in making Lancaster's neighbourhoods safer and more pleasant places to live.
Learn about their roles, expertise, and how they can help you. The team is committed to working alongside residents to create a safer Lancaster for everyone.
My name is Joe Frith, and I am the Community Safety Manager for Council Housing at Lancaster City Council.
We are a small, close-knit team consisting of myself and two Community Safety Officers, Amanda Gervais and Louise Banks. Together we are responsible for taking enforcement action against reports of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and offering support to victims.
In this section of the website, you will find lots of useful self-help advice when it comes to ASB, ways to report it to us, and how we can help you as the victim.
We work alongside other teams in the council, such as your Housing Officer and Income Management Officer. We also have strong links with local Policing teams, Community Mental Health, Social Services, and Drug/Alcohol rehabilitation agencies.
Should you need to contact us please email or call 01524 58200.
Alternatively you can visit either Lancaster or Morecambe Town Hall between the hours of 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday.