How Do I Rent A Garage?
Priority for garages are given to current Lancaster City Council tenants. We have a waiting list of tenants and residents who are interested in renting a garage. If you would like to add your name to the list you can do this by emailing with you name, address, contact details and where you would like to rent a garage. We will then add you to the list.
When we have a garage available to rent, we will look at the list and see if there are any Lancaster City Council tenants who wish to rent the garage. If there are, we will offer it to them. If there is more than one tenant who wishes to rent the garage, we will offer to the tenant who has been waiting the longest. If there are no tenants wishing to rent the garage, we will offer to the resident who has been waiting the longest on the list.
Garages can be viewed before singing the garage rental agreement. The rental agreement needs to be read and understood. Garage rent has to be paid monthly in advance by direct debit. If you are not a Lancaster City Council tenant your rent will be higher as you have to pay VAT on top of the rental charge.
The rental charge is currently £11.66 per week for Lancaster City Council tenants and £11.66 plus VAT for non-Lancaster City Council tenants.
We will only contact people on the garage waiting list when we have a garage to offer them.
I Put My Name Down For A Garage, But I Haven’t Heard Anything. When Will You Get In Touch?
Priority for garages are given to current Lancaster City Council tenants. If you are not a tenant then if you are looking for a garage in an area where we don’t have a lot of garages or high demand for them, it is not likely that we will have a garage that we will be able to offer you.
We will only contact people on the garage waiting list when we have a garage to offer them.