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Vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting

Please note: for flyposting issues relating to signs and notices on highways (for example on roundabouts or railings), please contact Lancashire County Council:

Graffiti are words or drawing that are written, painted, sprayed or scratched on the surface of  property.  Please note if the graffiti is not on public property it is the responsibility of the property's owner to get it removed.

Flyposters usually advertise or promote events and are placed on walls and other surfaces without permission of the owner of the property, and can take the form of stickers, signs or posters.

Graffiti and flyposting are both criminal offences carrying large fines given out by a magistrate, or up to £80 fixed penalty notice issued by the local authority or police.

If you see any one doing graffiti or flyposting, or committing acts of vandalism, please report it to your local council or the police.

Last updated: 05 July 2023

Lancaster City Council logogram

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