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Public Protection Privacy Notice

This privacy notice relates to Lancaster City Council’s Public Protection Service who are responsible for the following areas:

• Environmental Health – Food safety/Health safety
• Licensing
• Pest Control

This notice should be read together with the Lancaster City Council privacy statement, which can be found on the Council’s website. It is designed to help you understand how and why we use your data.

We collect, process and store personal and business information in order to be able to contact customers regarding regulatory issues, other council provision, training courses provided by Lancaster City Council and anything that is relevant to the regulatory function of the Council.

We are committed to protecting your privacy, and this statement is made in light of the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018 in order to advise you how we use your personal information.

If you have any queries about this notice, you can contact us at

When do we collect personal information?


We collect information from you whenever you:

• Provide it to us by filling out an application for a new food/drink business either online, via post or visiting our offices
• Receive a food hygiene inspection
• Provide it to us by filling out a personal/business licensing application either online or via post
• Attend our training courses
• Make a payment for services (for more information visit )
• Or in some cases during telephone contact

Members of the Public

We collect personal information from you when you make a service complaint or comment or contact us for any other reason relevant to the service.

We may sometimes obtain information about you from third parties, including:

• Responsible Agencies such as Police and Fire services, solicitors
• Customers or members of the public

What personal information do we collect?

The types of information we collect will include:

• Personal information including name, address and contact details
• Business information including premises name, address, contact details and legal status.
• Banking details by credit or debit card for (more information visit )

• Any other information you provide to us during the delivery of our regulatory functions

How do we use your personal information?

We use your information for the following purposes:


• To fulfil our duties as a regulatory Authority
• Process a payment for services
• To send service booking confirmation and payment receipts
• To send you customer service emails/post regarding regulatory issues, other council services, training provided by Lancaster City Council and general information.

Members of the public

• To process a payment for services
• To send service booking confirmation and payment receipts
• To contact you about your complaint or comment

Confidentiality: -

We consider any complaints to have been made in confidence and will never disclose your identity to someone you have complained about. In some cases, it will not be possible to effectively investigate your complaint without disclosing information; however, you will be informed at this stage, where you will then have the opportunity to withdraw your complaint.

Do we share your information with anyone else?

• It may be a legal requirement that we share your information with responsible authorities for any investigations or criminal investigation
• Trading Standards; should there be a complaint or an issue.

We will not share your information with any other organisations unless required to do so by law.

Your rights and how to find out more

You have a number of rights under data protection law, including the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and the right to object to our use of your information in certain circumstances.

For further information about your rights, how the council uses your information and how to get in touch if you have a query or complaint, please see the council’s main privacy notice

Last updated: 11 July 2023

Lancaster City Council logogram

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