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Provision of toilets

Public toilets

Public toilet provision in a venue

If you are providing facilities such as a café, restaurant or other places members of the public visit you should ensure the minimum standards on toilet provision are achieved.  

Public toilets provided by Lancaster City Council

For information about toilets provided by or on behalf of the council see our Public Toilets page. These toilets are maintained by Danfo UK Ltd.

General requirements

  • There must be an adequate number of facilities, determined by the expected numbers of people and the type of premises.
  • Wash hand basins must be provided with hot and cold or appropriately mixed running water, hand soap and hand drying facilities (disposable paper towels or hand dryer).
  • Toilets should be provided with adequate natural or mechanical ventilation.
  • Toilets must be well lit. UV lights must not be used in accessible toilets. 
  • Toilets should not lead directly into rooms where food is prepared (there should be a lobby with two doors).
  • Facilities must be maintained in good working order and in good repair. Broken doors, locks, seats etc. must be repaired forthwith. 
  • If the water at the taps is too hot (over 50°C) there is a risk of scalding. (Putting a 'caution hot water' sign up is not sufficient to prevent injury and liability). You should fit Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV) that will prevent 'hot' water being discharged. You should not lower the temperature in the hot water boiler/tank as there is a risk from Legionella. Refer to your Legionella risk assessment by visiting Health and Safety Executive - hot and cold water systems. This is especially important where facilities are likely to be used by children or older persons who will scald more easily.
  • Nappy changing facilities should be provided in premises where it is expected that children maybe be present, a suitable sanitary disposal unit should also be provided.
  • At least one urinal and wash hand basin should be fitted at a lower level for children and shorter people, where appropriate.

Enforcement of the provisions

The council may enforce the minimum standards at its discretion using the powers in the LGMP Act, and only when it is in the public interest to do so. When determining the public interest we may consider, amongst other factors, any anti-social behaviours, economic advantages and location of public toilets. 

Numbers of sanitary conveniences 

Complaints about toilet provision

If you wish to make a complaint about the toilet provision at a premises please contact us. Remember to tell us what the problem is (i.e. no toilets, or not enough toilets) and why this is causing an issue. Remember we will only take action if it is in the public interest to do so. Environmental Health do not deal with complaints about 'Public Toilets' run by or on behalf of the Council, if you wish to raise a concern about those facilities go to Public Toilets.

Last updated: 13 July 2023

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