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Public registers of environmental information

The council holds several registers of environmental information for public viewing as required by law. The content of each register is determined by legislation.

Public registers maintained by the council

Pollution Prevention and Control register

This public register holds records of sites within the Lancaster district holding environmental permits under the industrial pollution control regime, together with mobile plant permitted by the council. These permitted processes are regulated either by the council or the Environment Agency. 

Contaminated Land register

This public register (currently empty) will contain details of any land that the council determines to be 'Contaminated Land' under Section 78A(2) of the Environment Act 1995. In addition, this register will include details of any action that has been taken in each case to deal with the contamination.

Radioactive Substances Act register

This public register contains details of companies registered with and regulated by the Environment Agency to hold and use radioactive substances as part of their businesses. These are usually small, low power sources of radiation that pose little risk to health or the environment.

Viewing the Public Registers

These public registers are held at the council's offices, open during all normal working hours at:

Morecambe Town Hall
Marine Road East
Morecambe LA4 5AF

By contacting us in advance of visiting you can help us to help you access information with a minimum of delay.

Obtaining copies of register entries

Copies of register entries are normally available whilst you wait for small numbers of copies, or by post for larger numbers.

We make a small charge for photocopying to cover staff time and other costs. For each page sized A4 the charge is currently 10 pence per side.

Last updated: 01 March 2016

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