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Responsible dog ownership

10 easy points to enable you to be a responsible dog owner!

1. Train your dog elementary obedience, so that it is under control at all times. You can do this by taking your dog to obedience classes.

2. Keep your dog on a lead when on or near a road, or when in places where there are other animals e.g. a field containing sheep.

3. Make sure your dog has identification on its collar with its name and contact number on it. (You may be fined up to £5,000 for not having identification on a dog in a public place).

4. Get your dog micro-chipped. This is a safe and effective method of ensuring that your dog can be easily identified. Micro-chips are implanted under the dogs skin and can be easily read by a hand-held scanner. Ask your vet about micro-chipping, and look in the local press for subsidised schemes.

5. Make sure your garden is properly fenced so that your dog cannot escape. Never let your dog out on its own.

6. Try to train your dog to 'go at home'. Always carry a poop scoop or carrier bag with you to pick up anything your dog leaves! There are a number of dog waste bins provided throughout the district, however you can place it in any bin as long as it is in a sealed bag.

7. Do not allow your dog to bark constantly. If you are experiencing trouble with your dog you can take it your vet for advice or contact our dog wardens.

8. Do not leave your dog alone for long periods of time. Dogs are pack animals and need the company of others.

9. Keep your dog healthy with regular feeding, worming, exercise, grooming and vaccinations. Ensure that your dog has a place to sleep that is clean, warm and dry with drinking water readily available.

10. Neutering your dog or bitch not only is the most effective way of preventing unwanted puppies, but has many health benefits for the animal and can prevent it straying. Both dogs and bitches are keen to escape to find a mate when a bitch is in season.  

Last updated: 26 February 2016

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