Dog fouling

Your dog can't clean up after itself!
Under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act, it is an offence not to clean up after a dog has defecated on public land. A person may be issued with an £80 fixed penalty fine, if they do not clean up, or alternatively may be prosecuted through the magistrates court, where the maximum fine is £1000.
Additionally, a number of public space protection orders apply to dogs and their owners.
When out with your dog you should always be prepared to clean up after it.
Dog waste bags are easily carried and readily available from Lancaster and Morecambe Visitor Information Centres and from most pet stores and vets. Plastic carrier bags can be re-used for the same purpose.
Dog waste that has been bagged can be disposed of in any ordinary litter bin or dog waste bin. If no bins are available the waste should be taken home and placed in your grey wheelie bin.
The Animal Welfare inspectors can only take action against offenders if they know who they are. We need your help.
If you are aware of offenders causing a particular problem in your neighbourhood you can contact the Animal Welfare service, using the details below, who will investigate and take appropriate action. You can also report dog fouling online using the link at the top of this page.
We also provide a poster that you can display in your window or on your gate to remind people to clean up after their dogs. This can be downloaded from the right hand side of this page, collected from Lancaster or Morecambe Town Halls, or requested by phone using the details below.
The Animal Welfare service unfortunately cannot help with issues of fouling relating to other animals, for example horses.
About toxocariasis
Toxocariasis is a rare infection caused by roundworm parasites. It's spread from animals to humans through contact with infected faeces. For more information see the Kennel Club information sheet.
Last updated: 14 January 2024