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Bereavement advice and information

Bereavement guide

We have produced a bereavement guide to help those facing the loss of a loved one. This is a step-by-step guide from registering a death, to burial. You can view the guide below. 

Charter for the Bereaved 

The Charter for the bereaved is a nationally recognised set of standards for the burial industry, and our Cemeteries Office work to maintain these standards. You can refer to the Charter on the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management website here

Tell Us Once

When someone dies, it can be a stressful and upsetting time. As well as coping with the emotional distress that a death may bring, you will need to notify a number of different government departments and organisations.

The Tell Us Once service helps to reduce the amount of time you need to spend contacting government departments and organisations, and prevents unwanted contact regarding the deceased.

Bereavement register

The Bereavement Register is a free service that helps stop post sent to people who have died, reducing the levels of distress caused to their relatives and friends.

As well as enabling companies to cross reference lists and stop mailing deceased individuals, The Bereavement Register can also place flags on internal records to reduce the chances of criminals being able to open accounts or order goods in the deceased person's name.

At a Loss

At a Loss is an organisation who will signpost those who are bereaved to relevant grief support. More information can be found on their website: is the UK's signposting and information website for bereaved people

National Bereavement Service 

The National Bereavement Service (“NBS”) is a not-for profit organisation providing free, practical and impartial information and advice to people preparing for future incapacity and death, as well as for people who are bereaved. Through a free helpline, email or webchat, professional advisers with a wealth of real-life experience offer immediate emotional support, provide practical guidance on what steps to take next and refer those seeking counselling to trusted organisations.

Freephone: 0800 024 6121

Bereavement Services: Free Support for Bereaved People (

Baby Mail Preference Service (MPS)

Baby MPS is a free service which allows parents who have suffered a miscarriage or bereavement of a baby in the first weeks of life to register their wish not to receive baby related mailings.

Child bereavement

Child Bereavement UK, founded in 1994, offers support to families when a child dies, or when a child is bereaved of someone important in their lives.

It offers a confidential listening service for families who would like to talk about their experiences, and provide a signposting service to other organisations who may be able to offer further support.

  • Child Bereavement UK, Clare Charity Centre, Wycombe Road, Saunderton, Buckinghamshire, HP14 4BF
  • Telephone: 01494 568900

Bereavement advice for children and teens

Navigating grief as a young person can be unimaginable for most - the loss of an adult during a time that they are growing can impact their development and they are likely to need more support than they ever will throughout their life. 

Aswell as Child Bereavement UK, there are a number of organisations who can provide support, and we have found Clare Shaw books to be a useful resource. You can find their website here


Samaritans are there to speak to, and can signpost you to other organisations who can provide specific advice and guidance for any matter which is troubling you. 

Calls are free, they are available 24 hours a day, and they provide one-to-one conversation. 

More information can be found here

Lancaster Cemetery
Lancaster Cemetery


Last updated: 19 December 2023

Lancaster City Council logogram

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