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Hospitality Privacy Notice

Lancaster City Council Storey & Events team provides a room/venue hire, for internal and external use, at Lancaster Town Hall and The Storey.

At Lancaster City Council we are committed to protecting your privacy. This notice is made in the light of the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018 in order to advise you how we use your personal information.

If you have any queries about this notice, you can contact us at

When do we collect personal information?

We will obtain personal information from you when you make a booking enquiry, during the booking process or when you provide us with feedback on our services. This could be either online, over the telephone or on paper forms.

What personal information do we collect?

When you enquire about making a booking, we collect:

  • Full name
  • Contact details
  • Verification that the hirer is over 18 years old (in some circumstances)

Depending on the nature of the event, we may need to record further personal details, such as contact details for other members of your party, and key persons’ names. We also collect information about the person making the payment for your booking, including financial information (e.g. card details). More information about how we use this data can be found in the Council’s Payments Privacy Notice.

How do we use your personal information?

We will use your personal information to contact you regarding your booking, for example emailing a booking form or phoning to arrange a meeting. Your booking details will be available to the team who organise the room hire and catering.

We may also use your information to tell you about products, services and offers that may be of interest to you. We will only do this if you have consented to this.

We retain the information relating to your booking for 3 years after  your booking has passed. This is for administrative purposes and to be able to welcome back external, repeat bookings.

Do we share your information with anyone else?

We will only pass your details to another organisation with your express permission, such as putting you in touch with a supplier that relates to your booking. We may also pass your information to other partners for the purpose of marketing or promotion of services offered by the Council, but only if you have consented to this.

We will not share your information with any other organisations unless required to do so by law.

Your rights and how to find out more

You have a number of rights under data protection law, including the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you, and the right to object to our use of your information in certain circumstances. Where you have previously given us consent to use your information for a specific purpose, you can also withdraw this consent at any time.

For further information about your rights, how the Council uses your information, and how to get in touch if you have a query or complaint, please see the Council’s main privacy notice.

We reserve the right to amend this privacy notice at any time. However, we take your privacy very seriously and will never change our policies or practices to make them less protective of your personal information. 

If we make any changes to this policy that significantly affect you, we will aim to notify you directly if we hold contact details for you. You will always be able to find the most up-to-date version of this policy on our website at this address


This Version: v3, February 2024

Last updated: 26 February 2024

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