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Economic Recovery Framework

Lancaster City Council has published its new Economic Recovery Framework to create local wealth, support investment and create new jobs and opportunities in the district.

The document, which was approved by the council’s Cabinet in September, sets out an ambitious programme for supporting and driving the recovery from Covid-19.

It covers the 10-year period from 2021-31 and the overall intention is to overcome the impact on the economy from the pandemic and work with others to renew the local economy, creating jobs and opportunities by tackling underlying issues, building on strengths and increasing resilience.

The Framework approach is intended to be, above all, pragmatic and flexible allowing the council to adapt to emerging circumstances as and when needed. It covers four broad areas:

  • Sustainable economic recovery and renewal, building on increasing resilience, strengths and opportunities
  • Restored local confidence in the district as a place of prospects and opportunity, where quality of life, health and well-being matter
  • Stronger partnerships as a result of joint working and success in tackling shared challenges
  • A safe, healthy economy with a shared responsibility for living and working safely

The council made an early decision to put aside £1m of reserves to support businesses. These funds have been helpful in supporting some early business resilience activities and will also support a range of important recovery activities at a time when further direct support to businesses seems unlikely.

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