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Benefit fraud

Benefit fraud is not a victimless crime. Report it now!

Benefit fraud is not a victimless crime

It is an offence to make false declarations in support of a housing benefit or council tax support claim or to fail to inform the council promptly of a change that may affect the amount a person is entitled to.

  • Don't do it and don't let anyone else do it!

Help us tackle fraud

The Department for Work and Pensions is committed to tackling benefit fraud, and it has a dedicated team of officers whose job it is to investigate and prosecute offenders.

Do you know someone who is doing it? Please report it now!

  • Call the Benefit Fraud Hotline: 0800 854440 (textphone 0800 320 0512)
  • Report it online:
  • By post: NBFH, PO Box 224, Preston PR1 1GP

Please be prepared to provide as much information as possible.

You will not need to give your name and the information you supply will be treated in the utmost confidence.

Last updated: 25 January 2016

Lancaster City Council logogram

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