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Local Plan Part One: Strategic Policies & Land Allocations DPD

An aerial view of Quay Meadow and Lancaster Castle

An aerial view of Quay Meadow and Lancaster Castle

The Strategic Policies and Land Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD)  directs where homes, employment land, services and future investment will go in the district over the next 15 years.  It will identify land to meet specific development needs of the district as well as areas which are worthy of protection from development due to their environmental, economic and social value. The preparation of this document will draw lines on the map, providing certainty to both local residents, businesses and developers on where future development, including housing, employment land, services and future investment should be directed. 

The Strategic Policies & Land Allocations DPD was adopted by the Council on the 29 July 2020. This document now forms a key part of the new Local Plan for Lancaster District 2011 – 2031. Upon adoption the documents superseded the previous Local Plan which was formed of the residual elements of the 2004 Lancaster District Local Plan, the 2008 Lancaster District Core Strategy and 2014 Development Management DPD, these three documents have now been formally withdrawn.

The DPD and supporting documents can be found here, along with the Development Management DPD and supporting SA/HRA documents:

  • Sustainability Appraisal Addendum – Post Submission Main Modifications (August 2019)
  • Habitats Regulations Assessment Report (August 2019)
  • Sustainability Appraisal –Adoption Statement (July 2020)
  • Sustainability Appraisal – Post Adoption Statement (September 2020)

Archived documents

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