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Local Plan Review

Local Plan explainer

On 22 January 2025 Lancaster City Council adopted a partial review of its Local Plan to ensure that planning decisions take greater account of the implications of climate change.  The partial review has not changed the amount of development that is needed in the district or added or removed areas of land that have already been identified for development. Instead, the policies are intended to help shape development proposals to achieve better outcomes for climate change mitigation, adaption, and resilience. An example is the new planning policy on building new homes that are more energy efficient that will reduce both energy use and heating bills for the new residents. The partial review updates both of the following previously adopted documents:  

These Development Plan Documents are key parts of the development plan for Lancaster District. Upon adoption these updated documents superseded the documents previously adopted in July 2020.  The City Council makes decisions about planning proposals by considering how proposals comply with planning policies in adopted local plans. 

A new Local Plan Hub for Lancaster District

The world does not stand still!

In the summer of 2023 Lancashire County Council, supported by Lancaster City Council, decided to suspend work on the “South Lancaster Growth Catalyst”.  This project had intended to enable significant development to the south of Lancaster, including a new settlement, the Bailrigg Garden Village, by providing new infrastructure, particularly new road and transport infrastructure. The infrastructure was to be supported by a significant grant award from the government. Following the decision to suspend that work Lancaster City Council also stopped preparing the Lancaster South Area Action Plan. That document was going to provide the detail on where development would be in south Lancaster, the Council instead resolved to prepare a whole new Local Plan.  The new Local Plan will re-explore how much development is needed in the whole district, then where and how that development should be achieved.

Work on the whole-new plan is on-going.  We have published our new digital Hub for the full review of the Local Plan. We hope that our new digital approach and the information will help everyone to understand the local plan process.  We have asked for feedback, if you do find something is not clearly explained tell us and we will try to explain it better. The hub will be kept up to date as the new local plan is prepared.   Further information on the new local plan can be found on the Local Plan Hub.   

Evidence to support the new Local Plan 

We continue to collect evidence (information) to support the new Local Plan. Once completed they are added to the Local Plan Hub.

Please take a look at our Local Plan Hub to be kept informed>>>>>>>>

Call for sites - 2nd round

As part of the preparation of the Local Plan we would like to know if there are potential sites or broad locations for development that should be investigated.  The ‘Call for Sites’ process is an excellent opportunity for landowners, developers, and individuals to suggest areas for potential future development. You can submit sites for any type of future use including housing, employment and retail. This is the 2nd round of the ‘Call for Sites process’. 

Sites submitted through the ‘Call for Sites’ process will be considered via the Council’s Strategic Housing & Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).  This will consider whether any sites nominated via the ‘Call for Sites’ process is suitable, available and achievable.  In investigating land for its development potential, the Council may contact you to clarify details or request further information.

Please note that even if the Council identify land in the SHELAA as having potential for future development, this does not indicate or confirm that the Council will formally allocate the site for development in the forthcoming Local Plan.

The Council have now gone through all the sites which were submitted as part of the first round of the ‘Call for Sites’ process, which closed on 30 September 2024, to assess the accuracy of the data provided.

Submitting a site

If you have submitted a site in the first round of Call for Sites there is no need to submit a site to us again unless you would like to update us on any significant changes. 

You can submit a site by completing our online 'Call for Sites' online form.

Sites submitted - Round one

As promised, the Council have now published a map which highlights where sites have been submitted to the process. 

Please note that the map provided is for information purposes only, it does not contain any assessment or conclusions on the suitability of any sites submitted.

Please view the FAQ before viewing the map

Q: What are the areas of land shown on this map?

A: The government says that Councils must update their local plans. The updated local plan will have to show where land will be developed in the future.  In the first stage of deciding where development will be in the future the council has asked people to suggest sites that they think might be suitable for development, all councils do this stage.  This map shows the suggested sites that have been sent to the council.

Q: Who owns these sites?

A: Nearly all the sites are owned by private individuals.

Q: Will all these sites be developed?

A: Over the next two years the council will update its local plan and as part of doing that it must decide which sites would be the best to develop. Other sites will need to be considered too – not just the sites suggested by landowners shown here.

Q: Will the council buy the sites so that they can be developed?  

A: No, except in some rare circumstances. Normally, if a site is suitable for development the owner will sell it directly to developers.

Q: How can I let the council know whether I think these sites are suitable for development?

A: The council has not made any decisions yet; it will have to do a lot of work to decide which of these sites are suitable for development over the next two years. The sites which the council considers suitable will be shown in a draft local plan that the council will consult on.  People can also respond to any planning applications that are submitted on these sites or any other sites.

Q: How will I know if planning applications have been made?   

A: The council publishes information about planning applications on its website – just follow this link – View Planning Applications

Engagement doesn't end here!

We want to keep you informed, so please do check this page regularly. If you would like more information or feel that you would like to be involved in the development of the Local Plan, please contact us:  and join our mailing list.

Want to know more about how we consult and engage on planning matters

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